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Cleopatra is always Cleopatra

The myth of Cleopatra

Well as you will notice if you will read this article is that my Eglish is very simple and I should have probably wrote this articles in Italian or Swedish my mother languges. What I would like to do is to espres my opinion on the casting of .. for play Cleopatra the last Egyptian rulers and why a group that feel to be discriminate is attacking a choice made to prise and other grupp. I have read a lot of nonsende and I will try even if I don’t like that much Netflix to see the documentary also one thing that I’m against because I think that with that name and budget one should have made a movie and also to make a comparison with a classical from 1960 the pharaon a polish movie. I want to point two thing never the less I’m living in Sweden I’m anti racist or bather I have friend that are inside several etnical groups and I found a lot pf the debate too be nosense with a paragon between Jesus than should look Swedish and it is ok. There is no account about Jesus apaperince only that he was long probably had long hair. We have several refrigeration about Jesus and some of them show him more and more like the people in the congregation let idealise. So Jesus began to be a symbol and it is mostly presented as such. The sematie has normally some particular feauters but their apperince could also be with sometimes more light or darker figure. For the Egyptian culture we could say that there are several thousand of year but the most part of them could have look and I want to point out that the art is quite idealis mostly as people from Southern Europe but with the use of wigs and the absence of clothing that we could see in other African civilisation. The Tolomeis were a Macedonian dynast that were already deep influenced by the Greek and wanted to give a form of continue to their own rules. I could say with a slight provocation that Run Sunak is dress like a British gentleman not to scary is own eletroal bases. As far as we know Cleopatra was the illegitimate daughter already this quite problematic of a rules and she could come even from a Germaic or a Slave mother or even from Ethiopia or may be even from India But there is no record at all of her being blond or with a dark skin. Both this two fact were not so common in the roman war that point ut about the slaughter Cybriand and Teutonic invation the fact that they were blond and about the numians that they were black with a afro kind of hairs. I suggest to all of you the spending movie by luigi Magni “Scipione detto anche läAfrican” with Marcello Mastroani as Scipio in a very unglamorous apperice playing against his own brother. What was common with Cleopatra was that she was much more easy dress and sexual that the romans woman and I found the part made by .. in Rome quite indictive and very well because she isn’t either bather looking instead of the roman woman. Naturaly a figure like Cleopatra and the fact of her being won by the Romans bgive a kind of fascination that in an other empire the British had influenced a lot of artist from Shakespeare to Laurence Oliver and Vivina Leigh. The imag of this dark lady still is seen in the liz Taylor movie from the 1960th in which she saw the exlent actress desquise. But in the same time I want to point out Poland made an attempt for me very God to recrate the period in The pharaon in wchic with working in three continent studio in Lodz and in Asian and African desert the main plat regard the difficult relationship between the pharaon and his reform will and the hight priest that is quite siminla to karol Wojton. Naturaly a film in a complete different language made by communist in pOland now that the country is both deep conservative anti russuina and nationalist wiling to make everything against Russia is not see by anyone but would work to see because it tries to be as close as possible to the historical reality. Cleopatra like a lot of other our day production is made for a pubblich the American medel class and also working class that has a lot of member that want to be present. We could see it really well in a movie like Mary Studard in which one of Elisabeth minister was an afro brits and the other Asian. No one said nothing. Personally I fin it courios but I would like to see movies upon all the cultures

Robert Fogelberg Rota