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Powerfull rap movie at the Kinoteca

A film on a tribe

The short film by Hubert Patynowski “Don’t change the subject” is a really good work that deals with the life of young rapper in our day Poland- They are living in block and they have no faith what so ever in a future and in the possibility of making a good life Norbert Serafin work as a DP is hard dirty an make the focus on a reality that is not glamour in wchich we see a tribe by the young rapper Mikolaj Kubacki that has a low criminality basis what they do forced shave a girl and maybe rape her and they put their video. It is a criminal hip hop style with a rather complicate language and things start to go bad when the male character Mikolaj Kubacki become arrested by the police that forced him to be a stick . The use of the editing is very good made motely by Aleksandra Idzikowska that succeed in giving two kind of perspective the one of Youtube and the really one. Krzysztof Cybulski an other youn guy become more and more against the main character and even his father is against him. We have had the fortune of meeting Hubert Patynowski at the Kinotecka film festival in Stockholm and have put some question to him

How did you get the idea of making this movie?

I grow up in one place like this and for me it was really important to be able to tell their story. Not all the people that live in the block has this kind of problem and live this kind of life but it is quite common indeed. This make a place with a lot of drama a tension and in which there is a particular kind of culture the tuff Polish rap hip hop. It isn’t all that music style that is similar to this but there are I was mostly interest in the kind of moral dilemma that was present between the father and the son. We have to rember that the father isn’t a professional actor but only a guy that has had minor extra rolles. The moral dilemma is for me central how to survive and take one’s own responsibility.

Can you see this movie as a political statmant?

Yes or no more no because it is mostely a movie on a dirty and difficult reality shoot in this way. I had a a main influence that is the pusher trilogy by the Danish director Nicolas Winding Refn that I try to be inspired in the work with the cameran. It is for me important to show this reality from the inside.

The sceen is very masculine?

Yews it is true but unfortunately even if they are the femel raper in Poland haven’t be so important and so successful. There is few woman also in my film but I wanted to focus of the moral dilemma and I made few charather to work in it.

What about the casting?

It was really difficult because I had problem finding some one that wanted to play a stick and I had several contact with guys that studied at the Lodz film school but they often said no to this. But in the end I get them.

What about the shotting ?

As natural as possible with black magic in Krakow ,and Warsaw an in some other place.

Your next plan?

It isa more styles film about the searching of love on internet.

Robert Fogelberg Rota