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A new great Italian actress

Interview Marienne (Marianna) Vinitova

One of the force of the italain Movie is the fact that it has used actor with several Culture. the Swedish one untill now not so much but there is one exeption Mauritz Stiller a Swede that was growing up in Finland"His English one " with lily Dover that is the Maria in Metriopolis. Now in the part we have Marienne (Marianna) Vinitova that has almost a same type of part.  She thank yes to be interview by us.

Could you present yourself for a Swedish public?

About the interview My name is Marienne (Marianna) Vinitova, I've born in Ukraine but grew in Italy in the town near Venice. I graduated from Ca' Foscari university in foreign cultures and languages. I also have an economics degree. After the university I used to work in different companies as project assistant, translator. Also worked in tourism. Later I moved to Milan and choose modelling because probably I always wanted to try myself in different directions and I always was attracted by art and fashion. So I wanted to be part of it. I never regretted it because like in everything there are some good and bad sides(concurrency, superficiality) but one need to try living positively thinking about his own dreams and projects without seeing some negative parts. As for acting, probably I was acting all my life in good meaning like interpreting different moods, situations ecc. So at some point modelling was not enough because it's more static, less active, you can't express some emotions, feelings or interpreted other characters. From this point of view acting is more interesting, more "alive". I've just started and need many to learn, but important is to have passion for what you are doing.

Could you say something abou?t the movie The tale of the Inkeepper

As for the short film we've done with Robert Fogelberg Rota and Gerardo Schiavone  I should say that it was my first experience but I really liked it. Yes there were some connections with Games of Thrones which I think most people saw and liked. About Rus probably more to the Polish/Austrian part, the film has more European culture aspects regarding the architecture and costumes.

Do you have a favurite Swedish movie?

About Swedish movies I like The Girl with the Dragon tattoo (it would be exciting to interprete such kind of character), As It Is in Heaven and others. I need to dedicate more time bow to Swedish cinematography and acting in general. I also want to visit Stockholm as I signed with modelling agency there and hope to know your  country better.

I serched Robert Fogelberf that answer to soem question

what about the Movie?

It is a pilot that may be we will make with a cofounding it is the story about a girl that have some magical Power and disavantage with woman. She is ahalf a witch and half a angel a fary. I put a lot of my mian influences like the german expresionism., Games of Throndes , but even Viking and Snowwhite and the Husman.

Lina Swesson